Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Maine is the Place to see Red and Blue Lobster

Our recent stop at the Mount Desert Oceanarium in Bar Harbor, Maine, we were introduced to this fine blue lobster:

We were taught many things about lobsters, especially how the hatchery operated to keep the population of lobsters brimming and full.

I guess if you're going to go eat lobsters, then you should be prepared to help out and understand the lives of the fisherman that bring you lobsters to your table. The Mount Desert Oceanarium teaches you about how lobsters are hatched, trapped, how the traps work, how to band a lobster, and much more about the Maine ecosystem. Want to know more: Mount Desert Oceanarium Review.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Limpkin ( Aramus guarauna ) Spotted at Orlando Wetlands

This Limpkin ( Aramus guarauna ) posed for us at Orlando Wetlands, Christmas, Florida. He might be a bit hard to identify since he's found with the rails and storks rather than the herons in your guidebook. His beak is what makes him standout differently from juvenile herons, as does the coloring/patterning of his back.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Northern Bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus)

You'd think with two friends named Bob White and a husband named Bob, I'd see more of these quail type birds, but we just got a glimpse last time hiking at the Econ River Wilderness Area, Florida. I think they had babies because two adults came out of an area with lots of cheeps. One spread one wing out, the other ducked into another area.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Rook (Corvus frugilegus), the Crow that's Not a Crow

Rook (Corvus frugilegus), the Crow that's Not a Crow by Sheri Fresonke Harper
Rook (Corvus frugilegus), the Crow that's Not a Crow, a photo by Sheri Fresonke Harper on Flickr. I spotted this Rook in Ireland at the place where Irish Kings were crowned in Tara, Ireland.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Time to replace the batteries: EaglePicher to provide thermal lithium batteries for Air Force HARM anti-radiation missile - Avionics Intelligence

Time to replace the batteries: EaglePicher to provide thermal lithium batteries for Air Force HARM anti-radiation missile - Avionics Intelligence

Apparently these batteries are safe enough for missile use. I wonder what is happening with the Boeing Dreamliner batteries?

Well, after reading that article, it seems that having increased air flow and venting and a cap to protect any fires from spreading made them safe enough to fly.


The latest emergency landing appears to be a problem with the breaks. Boeing builds great airplanes, so I know the future will look good for them.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Two Male Redhead (Aythya americana) and Identifying Ducks

Learning your ducks is one of the easiest way to start learning to identify birds in the wild. The reason is ducks are large, don't move away really fast at least not always, and each species is quite distinct. Also, identifying ducks can be easy because they are often found throughout the US during winter when most other birds head south. We spotted them at the Orlando Wetlands in Christmas, Florida. Note their bright yellow eye stands out clearly. The only bird like it is a Golden Eye.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Identifying a Snowy Egret from Other Possible White Birds

This photo shows two features to look at when looking at the white birds in Florida and trying to identify them. A Snowy Egret has a yellow rim around the eye, and his foot is yellow. Other birds that may be similar to the Snowy Egret include the Cattle Egret (often has yellow on the head), Great Egret (much taller, black bill, black legs (no yellow)), little blue heron (white phase note the blueish bill), white phase Great Blue Heron (much taller, grayer bill and legs). This photo was taken at the Providence Golf Club, in Florida.
